Sports Tots Programs

11 Kids Sports Programs with over 275 exercises

11 Early Childhood Sports Programs with 275 specifically developed age-appropriate exercises, which are outcome-driven and tailored to meet our National Quality Standards (NQS) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

Our Sports Sessions

Each session is designed and planned by experts in child movement development. Sessions are delivered taking into consideration the age of the children and groups are created accordingly. Our coaches work with small groups of 10-14 children for 35min per session.

Working in smaller groups allows our team of qualified coaches to engage all children in our sports programs. We invest time to ensure that each child is completing the skills and immersing themselves in the learning experiences. The sessions include a nutritional talk, warm up, drama games, Gross motor development, stretches and end of class discussion.

Our Programs


Our Multisport programs include: Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, AFL/Rugby, Athletics, Cricket, Hockey, Gross Motor Games and Tee Ball.

Performing Arts

Sports Tots Performing Arts will teach the basic fundamentals of four styles of dance, including ballet, jazz, hip hop and rhythmic.

Sports Tots Connect

Sports Tots Connect is a program especially designed to promote inclusion and multiculturalism and teach children to become aware and inclusive adults. Through Sports Tots Connect, we create a space for disability sports and ethnicity inclusion.

Sports Tots Connect

Sports Tots Connect is a program especially designed to promote inclusion and multiculturalism and teach children to become aware and responsible adults. Through Sports Tots Connect, we create a space for disability sports and ethnicity inclusion.


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