Sports Tots Athletics

Athletics for childrens is a great way to be exposed to a range of various team and individual sports such as relay, racing, Javelin and Long Jump. Kids will learn to balance and co-ordinate their movements as well as gain self-confidence.

Why Athletics

Sports Tots Kids will experience a mix of Athletic games including, relay racing, Javelin and long Jump. Our Athletics syllabus will encourage balance, agility and co-ordination whilst helping to build each child’s self-confidence. Children will develop gross motor and locomotor skills. Children will receive stimulating and sensory rich objects that will also help activate and develop cognitive functions. 

Children's Athletics Benefits

Classes are progressive and the degree of difficulty and the range of exercises will change subject to groups ability.

  • Physical Abilities
    Learning sports and being physically active helps develop sports skills like strength, balance, and coordination.
  • Fitness
    Being physically active also means having a healthy mind and body.
  • Socialisation
    Joining a fun and healthy competition will teach your kids the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play, and respect for each player.

Dedicated Team

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